
Statement by H.E. Mr. Jeyhun Bayramov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan at the Summit of the Future

Mr. Secretary General,

Mr. President,


Distinguished Delegates,

Ladies and Gentlemen,


The world stands at a crucial crossroads, facing unprecedented challenges, including climate change, ravaging conflicts, geopolitical tensions, and rising inequality. At this critical juncture, the Summit of the Future, is an opportunity to address pressing challenges, bridge the gaps, and show that a multilateral system can deliver with a unified voice.

Azerbaijan has itself lived through the most tragic consequences of violations of international law, including humanitarian law, and had been subject to injustice of non-implementation of the Charter, series of resolutions of main organs of the UN. 

It is against this background that Azerbaijan fully recognizes the call of this Summit for strict compliance with international law and reversal of the erosion of international norms. The Charter, as well all the instruments and mechanisms set out therein must be applied unreservedly without any double standards, political, geographic or whatsoever preferences.




We meet the halfway mark for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with only 17 percent of the SDG targets on track. There is an urgent need for turning our political commitments into decisive action to achieve progress.

In this regard, Azerbaijan fully supports Secretary-General's efforts to galvanize progress on the SDGs and remains committed to the pledges made in the 75th Anniversary Declaration. 

At the national level, we are making progress prioritizing 17 goals, 88 targets, and 119 indicators and setting an example for others to follow. This has been achieved through collaborative and inclusive process involving civil society, the business community, women, youth, and other key stakeholders.

Liberation of our territories from occupation opened a new page also in terms of attainment of SDGs. The Government has embarked on a large-scale reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts worth of tens of billions USD covering all aspects of implementation of SDGs.

Moreover, Azerbaijan has introduced a national goal, SDG18, focusing on mine action. We call for greater international support and solidarity as demining is crucial for addressing immediate humanitarian needs, restoring livelihoods, and revitalizing communities.

We are also among the few countries worldwide—and the first in our region—to submit four Voluntary National Reports on the 2030 Agenda. In the 2024 Sustainable Development Report, Azerbaijan ranks ahead of two-thirds of the countries.




Azerbaijan has entered into new era having restored its rights to sovereignty and territorial integrity safeguarded under the Charter.

By putting an end to the illegality of the use of force, Azerbaijan has initiated post-conflict normalization agenda with Armenia fully based on mutual recognition of and respect for each other’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Building upon the progress that was made through bilateral negotiations, we call for expeditious actions to address the remaining impediments and underline the importance of exercising necessary political will and responsibility.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


It is imperative to address climate change as the greatest transnational challenge of the century. It is not a future risk, but a present danger to billions of people worldwide.

In November 2024, Azerbaijan will host the 29th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Guided by the call “In Solidarity for a Green World", Azerbaijan will spare no effort to strengthen collaboration for a more climate-resilient and sustainable world. We aim to bridge both developed and developing countries and foster collaborative spirit to tackle climate challenges as a common commitment and moral duty.

As the COP29 Incoming Presidency, we have been working inclusively with all parties and non-party stakeholders. COP29 Azerbaijani Presidency’s overarching and inclusive strategy is anchored in two mutually reinforcing pillars – enhance ambition and enable action, with establishing a new climate finance goal as a key priority this year.

COP29 will also be an opportunity to contribute to both global peace and climate agenda. Given the intersection of conflicts and climate crisis, Azerbaijan has introduced a flagship COP29 Truce Initiative embedded in Joint Solemn Appeal announced a few days ago. We call for unity and respect for the Truce during the month of COP29.

In conclusion, let us reaffirm our commitment to a better future, where climate resilient and sustainable development, peace and security aren’t merely aspirations, but reality for all.

It is only through bold, inclusive, and cooperative action that we can achieve it.


Thank you.

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